Hello guys, in the mentioned video Mr. Ali Abdaal talks about the bits and advice that he would give to teenagers, let’s get into it.
This happens to be the second part of the video series from Mr. Ali Abdaal, to read the previous (1st) part, CLICK HERE.
GET A DOORSTOPER, those things are fantastic, wedge your door open and keep your door
wedged open at all times. Maybe not when you are asleep, but basically
every other time and actively encourage people to come to your room and
actively encourage people to interrupt you while you’re trying to study,
because you’re never gonna remember those like extra few bits of
productivity that you are out but if someone feels comfortable enough to
come over to your room at 11 o'clock at night, just to have a bit of a
chat, those are the conversations that compound into friendships further
down the line. And those are the things you’re going to be more grateful
for rather than the fact that maybe you got an extra 0.1% on that essay
that you’re working on.
DO NOT BE MEAN TO PEOPLE, you will only ever regret it.
and absolutely under any circumstances, try and sell it.
you’re gonna really enjoy hanging out with people until four or five in
the morning recognize up until 2:00 AM, those hangouts are useful after
2:00 AM those like they fall off a cliff and nothing good ever happens and
you just want to sleep. You want to kick people out of your room and go to
bed because then you will completely waste the next day with this sort of
effective hangover from staying up until six in the morning, and then
getting two hours of sleep, that is proper grim, nothing good ever happens
after 2:00 AM.
DO A LITTLE BIT OF WORK EVERY DAY, when you’re 19 you discover a magical power of something called
active recall & spaced repetition. And the way that our
memory works is that it’s like if we do a little bit of something every
day over a very long period of time that’s far more likely to end up in a
long-term memory. Whereas if you do a burst of work and try and cram for a
test or for an exam like that stuff is absolutely not gonna stick in the
long term. And when you get to actually being a doctor and someone like a
surgeon that you’re working with asks you a question about anatomy you’re
gonna kick yourself and you’re gonna wish that damn, I really wish I’d
done a little bit of work every day. And I would have kept up my knowledge
of anatomy or kept up my knowledge of physiology because you know that you
knew that at one point, but it’s not gonna come to you when it really
counts further down the line. So again, a little bit of work every day,
goes a very-very long way, firstly towards helping you in your exams but
more importantly, towards giving you the knowledge that you can do that
you can then have as a foundation for the rest of your life.
at some point you might get the idea to start a particular business or a
website or even a YouTube channel, seek forgiveness rather than
permission. Don’t feel like you have to email the university to ask them
for permission to do a thing or email your college tutor to ask is it okay
if I do this? Just do it. And if they have a problem with it, you can
always seek forgiveness further down the line.
because they are really not thinking of you. You’re gonna walk around,
you’re gonna go to all these events and you’re gonna think people are
looking at you and judging you and caring about what you’re doing. They
are really not. Everyone has got their own anxieties. Everyone has their
own problems. Most if the people like 30% of the people you are going to
meet are struggling with their own mental health problems that you’re
never going to know about until like 10 years down the line. So don’t
worry so much about other people judging you because they’re really not.
People are nice, people are friendly, people are just worried about
themselves. So, you, you do you and stop worrying about it so much.
Whenever you are struggling,
and that’s something Tim Ferriss likes to say what would this look like if
it were easy? When you’re in first year of medical school at Cambridge,
you’re gonna think it’s a big deal. You’re gonna think, “Oh my God, I’m a
first-year medical student at Cambridge University. That’s a big deal,
this should be really hard.” And you’re gonna convince yourself that it’s
really hard and you’re gonna sabotage yourself because you’re gonna be
acting in a way as if this thing is harder that it actually is. And then
by the time you get to your second year you’re gonna realize that, “Oh,
actually this isn’t so bad.” And a big part of the anxieties that I had
around it in my first year, a big part pf those were actually because I
just worked myself up and my mindset was approaching this as if it’s going
to be hard.
IT IS ACTUALLY OKAY TO SKIP LECTURES, often times the lectures just read out from the lecture notes anyway and you’ll have the lecture notes. And if you want, you can just go to a café or a coffee shop or a restraint and you can just go through the lecture on your own time. That’s completely chill, just make sure you don’t like try and summarize it because taking notes as you’re gonna find out when you’ve read the book, make it stick, and when you discover the evidence-based study tips, you’re gonna realize taking notes is a waste of time for the most part. So don’t try and summarize your lecture notes but also don’t feel like you have to go to the lectures
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